The birds are really hungry right now - I am filling our tube feeders a few times a week (smart birds - they know the Choice mix from Wild Birds Unlimited is "good stuff"!). Our dogs enjoy snatching up everything that falls to the ground whenever they are in the back yard. Most common visitors recently are the Brown Thrasher that sits on a suet block like he owns it; the Hermit Thrush that takes his turn when the Thrasher moves on....then the Bluebirds that use it when the Thrush is gone. Of course, when the Red Bellied Woodpecker swoops in, everyone scatters! We've never seen as many White Throated Sparrows as this winter - they cover the ground under the feeder, along with Juncos and Cardinals. And we have frequent visits from the Pine and Myrtle Warblers, Goldfinch and Purple Finch. Great way to lower the blood pressure, just watching the feeder activity for a few minutes.
Ah, the Olympics - I can't skate or ski to save my life, but we do enjoy watching those great athletes show off their stuff. Too many commercials, but all in all, some enjoyable moments.
If all goes well, by this evening, I will have three flats of tomato plantings to go alongside the soon-to-be-crowded scene on the planting table! Watch later for some action photos of tomato seed planting, mass production style!