Not that there weren't garden related chores to attend to.....I spent much of this morning saving seeds from over 30 types of tomatoes - which left me with the task of canning another 7 quarts. Now that we've decided to not blanch and peel the tomatoes prior to canning, it is a perfect time to save seed and evaluate tomato flavors. This batch of quarts will be very high in Dwarf tomato project tomatoes.....we will be very happy to find these quarts this coming winter! The Dwarf varieties really excelled in flavor this summer.
What I didn't get to do was to harvest - so tomorrow will be spent picking more cukes, squash, beans and tomatoes - as well as the first ripe sweet peppers of the season. Then there are the weeds, and the lawn that somehow, in this heat, continues to grow....and the overgrown edges of our back yard flower garden. So, it will be another busy week.