Following the rather disruptive storm of a few days ago, things are coming back into order. I've decided to relocate many of the small pot indeterminates to our back deck so that they have some support. The peppers, eggplant and dwarf tomatoes are all readjusted and vertical. In general, things are looking quite good....a few tomato plants are worrying as disease starts to appear here and there. I will provide a full report soon....but so far, I've lost no eggplant (and all look great), one pepper (viral disease of some sort, to be replaced), and have a few tomatoes on the critical list. I hope to settle in replacements tomorrow, where I have them. There is also an incorrect Bisignano #2 out there growing (looks more like a Roma type), but that can be replaced as well.
OK...catch you on the radio soon!
And Happy Fathers Day! My wife made me a delicious breakfast (blueberry/blackberry Dutch Baby), and Caitlin, Sue and I will be heading out for dinner tonight. In between you can find me in the garden!