So onto something more pleasant to is just 3 days since planting lettuce, spinach, beets and other greens, and life is springing up in all but 6 of the 72 flat cells. In truth, 22 of the cells showed life in just 2 days. I'm not using a heat mat on this flat, so it is clear that these crops germinate just fine - and very quickly - in ambient temperature (my office tends to run at around 65-67 degrees F).
Nothing is showing in the pepper/eggplant/tomatillo flats yet, which isn't surprising - typically, 4 days is as fast as I've seen eggplant or sweet peppers, with hot peppers emerging at 7 days, at least.
For those who want to know which lettuce varieties I am growing, here is the list:
Mikola, Forellenschluss, Laitue Grosse Brune Paresseuse, Cherokee, Magenta, Red Lepracaun, Italianischer, Dalgali, Mottistone, Teide, Blackjack, Kagraner Summer, Bunyards Matchless, Bioinda a Foglia Riccia di Taglio, Winter Density, Spotted Aleppo, Sunset, Grettona, Brauner Trotzkopf, Purplus, Jeanne, Australian Yellowleaf, Brown Goldring, Cracoviensis, Bologna, Dark Lollo Rossa....I am in the hands of my friend Jeff for most of these (a few, in italics, are great JSS varieties I've enjoyed the last few years). Don't ask me to try to pronounce some of them!
And Spinach varieties Renegade, Tyee, Scarlet and Emu
My main tasks tonight - finish sending out dwarf project seed and prepare for the first tomato planting. We'll see how the energy holds out...