No specific details in this tomato update - just wanted to share some data on what is budding/flowering/fruiting.
Indeterminate tomatoes planted on May 3/4 (75 plants total). 10 have set fruit, 34 have open flowers, 36 have buds, leaving 5 with no buds yet.
Dwarf tomatoes planted on May 4: (41 plants). 1 set fruit, 30 have open flowers, 10 have buds.
Dwarf tomatoes planted on May 15 (65 plants). 13 have open flowers, 19 have buds, and 33 have yet to show buds.
The later planted indeterminates and dwarfs of course have no buds yet.
So - of all of my tomatoes, 11 set fruit, 77 have open flowers, and 65 have buds showing. That leaves about 50 plants that are not showing buds yet. Considering that we are only at most a bit over 3 weeks into the season, this is an excellent start!
Hoping that all of your plants are thriving!